.jpg)
1.
In
a
world
full
of
illusions,
find
your
own
reality.
【虚实之间,自寻真相。
】
2.
It's
easy
to
get
lost
in
the
virtual
world,
but
don't
forget
to
live
in
the
real
one.
【沉迷虚拟世界,别忘了真实生活。
】
3.
Reality
may
be
harsh,
but
it's
the
only
path
to
true
growth.
【现实或许残酷,但是唯一能成长。
】
4.
Don't
let
the
virtual
world
replace
the
real
connections
in
your
life.
【别让虚拟世界替换真实的联系。
】
5.
The
beauty
of
life
lies
in
the
balance
between
the
real
and
the
imaginary.
【生活的美在于虚实之间的平衡。
】
6.
Success
in
the
virtual
world
doesn't
necessarily
translate
to
success
in
reality.
【在虚拟世界获得成功未必在现实中也如此。
】
7.
It's
important
to
take
time
to
unplug
from
the
virtual
world
and
connect
with
reality.
【抽出时间跟真实世界连接。
】
8.
Life
is
more
fulfilling
when
you
embrace
both
the
virtual
and
the
real.
【抱持虚实双生活更充实。
】
9.
Don't
let
the
virtual
world
distract
you
from
the
true
wonders
of
reality.
【别让虚拟世界分散你的注意力。
】
10.
Living
a
life
of
balance
between
the
real
and
imaginary
is
the
key
to
happiness.
【做一个虚实平衡的人,才会快乐。
】
11.
Virtual
connections
don't
compare
to
physical
interactions
in
the
real
world.
【虚拟连接无法比拟真实互动。
】
12.
Don't
lose
sight
of
reality
in
the
midst
of
the
illusions
of
the
virtual
world.
【别在虚拟世界迷失现实。
】
13.
The
truth
is
often
found
in
the
real
experiences
of
life,
not
the
virtual
ones.
【真相常在现实经历中发现,而非虚拟体验中。
】
14.
The
virtual
world
can
be
a
fun
escape,
but
it's
important
to
come
back
to
reality.
【虚拟世界是个轻松的避世方法,然而回归现实更重要。
】
15.
Too
much
time
spent
in
the
virtual
world
can
lead
to
a
disconnection
from
reality.
【过多时间花费在虚拟世界会导致与现实脱节。
】
16.
Living
in
the
real
world
requires
facing
challenges
that
cannot
be
found
in
the
virtual
world.
【生活在现实世界需要面对虚拟世界无法遇到的挑战。
】
17.
Don't
rely
on
virtual
experiences
to
provide
all
the
answers
in
life.
【别指望虚拟体验回答人生所有问题。
】
18.
The
virtual
world
can
never
replace
the
warmth
and
comfort
of
human
interaction
in
the
real
world.
【虚拟世界永远也不能替代现实中人与人之间的温度与舒适。
】
19.
Seeking
a
balance
between
the
virtual
and
the
real
is
essential
to
living
a
fulfilling
life.
【寻求虚实之间的平衡是过充实人生的必要。
】
20.
Life
is
a
gift
that
can
only
be
fully
appreciated
through
living
in
both
the
virtual
and
real
worlds.
【虚实双生活才能让人深刻体会生命的真谛。
】